Manual Getting Started Form

Thankyou for taking the time to fill in Manual 1 Getting Started, the Compatibility Program.
All answers are found in the ‘Getting Started Compatibility Manual’
Once submitted you are on your way to becoming a Compatibility Practitioner and will receive a kit in the post with Bags and Promotional material.

First Name
Last Name
Clinic Name
Email Address

Have you a thorough understanding of the 4 steps in the Compatibility Program Manual? Pg 1 *
Have you bookmarked on your Computer the Eform for Clients Details? *
How many Items are tested in the Standard test? Pg front *
Have you watch the video on Create Client Link for Remote clients? Pg 2 *
The hair sample can be sent in? *
Does dyed or coloured hair affect the test results? *
What is required when testing Extra Items. Pg 3 *
What is the approximate turnaround for reports to practitioners? Pg 3 *
When does the practitioner give the blank meal diary to client? Pg 4 *
Who amends or corrects the meal diary in line with the test results? *
What foods can the client eat while on the 6 month program? Pg 5 *
How often does the client need to fill out a Progress report? Pg 6 *
When is a RETEST recommended? Pg 7 *
How long does the client follow both Initial & Retest results before reintroducing corrected items? *
When is the best time to test during Pregnancy? Pg 8 *
Can we combine Mum's and Baby's hair into 1 test for the Baby Test? *
Can Make-up & Skin care products be tested by samples? *
The Compatibility Program tests for? Pg 9 *
Does the Compatibility Program pick up underlying food that is aggravating the existing symptoms? *
The Compatibility Program is focused on Cellular Function? *
The Compatibility repair time is dependent on? *
Where does the repair system start? Pg 10 *
Does the Compatibility program support all other therapies? *
If client is on a prescribed eating plan for a specific condition does the Practitioner *
What does the Practitioner pay to Naturopathic Service for Retesting? Pg 14 *
Who supplies brochures, Posters and plastic sample Bags? Pg 16 *
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